Here's a peach!

Abercrombie & Fitch Faces Lawsuit Over Muslim Headscarf
(ref. TIME) Hmmm reading this I am left with the idea of yet another looser seeking to get something for nothing. Lets have a look at this shall we?
Catholics have rosaries. If they don't wear them does that make them any less Catholic? Jews have the yarmulke, if they don't wear it are they still Jewish? If a Southern Baptist doesn't carry his Bible everywhere he goes, does that make him any less a Baptist? If a Muslim doesn't wear her scarf, is she less a muslim? Maybe her father dresses in the Western (infidel) manner, is he less in Allah's eyes?

JEEZZ people... Religion is practiced in the heart... not by what we wear or what we carry with us or carry on us. This is simply a matter of calling attention to ones self and screaming because they don't like the outcome or didn't get the reaction they wanted.

In closing... Ditch the rag you indignant bitch and grow up, or go back to Allah land where you will be treated like property.

Oh... and on a side note, WHY does a practicing Muslim wish to work for a company that displays such open sexual overtones anyway?
