The "Pilot" installment of random thoughts and rants... I was reading the news on Yahoo!(TM) this morning and one article jumped out at me. "Return-to-moon plan gets boost on Capitol Hill" . I am so bored with NASA and what they are doing... re:Black hole to throw money into. In the 70's we put a garbage can in orbit and called it "Skylab", it came down on our heads. in the 90's we did it again and called it the "International Space Station" or "ISS" and plan to abandon it sometime in 2025 or so... EXCUSE ME? what is the tangible good to humanity?
Have you ever heard of NEO's? Near Earth Objects... I see a need there, and Gee I don't even have a degree! The money used to buy yet another bunch of garbage cans and string them together in orbit should have been put into a NEOO or Near Earth Object Observatory. We should have went back to the moon already and built an outpost... a PERMANENT outpost, complete with science labs and observatories. We have been spinning our wheels for 30 years for what? Mice gettin jiggy in microgravity? growing fungi? letting houseflys loose to see if they fly straight? OOOO I think thats all worth my tax money! NOT!!!
Have you ever heard of NEO's? Near Earth Objects... I see a need there, and Gee I don't even have a degree! The money used to buy yet another bunch of garbage cans and string them together in orbit should have been put into a NEOO or Near Earth Object Observatory. We should have went back to the moon already and built an outpost... a PERMANENT outpost, complete with science labs and observatories. We have been spinning our wheels for 30 years for what? Mice gettin jiggy in microgravity? growing fungi? letting houseflys loose to see if they fly straight? OOOO I think thats all worth my tax money! NOT!!!
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