I stumbled upon a discussion forum where people were chatting about the center of the universe some were talking like the universe is finite, while others claimed it is infinite... I liked the idea where the universe is in a box and expanding outward... But what happens when the universe expands to the edge of the box? Is it like stuffing kids in a phone booth? will we find ourselves smashed against some kind of barrier?
Ok, so what is outside of the box? So what is the universe, a locker in a REALLY BIG busy bus terminal? is it the objects we see or is it the volume we don't see? the objects are indeed finite... and the volume is indeed infinite. Finite things are easy for people to wrap their brains around, but the infinite is almost impossible...As illustrated by the Film "Men In Black", kinda bakes your muffin thinking in large never ending terms.
Ok, so what is outside of the box? So what is the universe, a locker in a REALLY BIG busy bus terminal? is it the objects we see or is it the volume we don't see? the objects are indeed finite... and the volume is indeed infinite. Finite things are easy for people to wrap their brains around, but the infinite is almost impossible...As illustrated by the Film "Men In Black", kinda bakes your muffin thinking in large never ending terms.
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