Im home again and mostly settled. Vacation was good but being held captive by my newly retired mom takes more than 2 weeks to get used to... next year I will have a car, at least part of the time. I didn't get allot of time with my brother due to him having to work most of both weeks and having too many things on his plate.
Ok so I'm off on a rant again! the watch/No-Fly list. There are many arm-chair-quarterbacks tossing around their two cents. Adding whole countries or religions to the the list as a rule isnt practical.
To win "the war on terrorism" we need to target the core... where does the hate and terroristic notions come from? I will take a wild stab and say the radical and fundamental clergy... All of them regardless of their religion. The Pat Robertsons, the Pope, the Ayatollah, and all the rest have misused their power to incite the peoples into hate, intolerance, and/or violence. They are all guilty and preach exclusivity rather than teaching people to respect and tolerate difference.
Love the person, Hate the sin!!
The fundamental beliefs roughly say that un-repented sinners get what they get. Love thy neighbor should be appended to read "Love thy neighbor only after they repent and stop sinning"!! Generally people have no sense of responsibility when a homosexual is bashed, murdered, or is denied the same rights they take for granted. When Matthew Sheppard was tortured and murdered my mother said "Oh thats a shame", it burned my ass to hear her say that.
I guess what I am trying to say is we will never stop terrorism, hate, or intolerance so long as we keep hearing the complete opposite from those that we look up to for guidance.
I'm not perfect and I do stumble, but after much thinking I believe tolerance begins with me... don't you wish everyone believed the same?
Ok so I'm off on a rant again! the watch/No-Fly list. There are many arm-chair-quarterbacks tossing around their two cents. Adding whole countries or religions to the the list as a rule isnt practical.
To win "the war on terrorism" we need to target the core... where does the hate and terroristic notions come from? I will take a wild stab and say the radical and fundamental clergy... All of them regardless of their religion. The Pat Robertsons, the Pope, the Ayatollah, and all the rest have misused their power to incite the peoples into hate, intolerance, and/or violence. They are all guilty and preach exclusivity rather than teaching people to respect and tolerate difference.
Love the person, Hate the sin!!
The fundamental beliefs roughly say that un-repented sinners get what they get. Love thy neighbor should be appended to read "Love thy neighbor only after they repent and stop sinning"!! Generally people have no sense of responsibility when a homosexual is bashed, murdered, or is denied the same rights they take for granted. When Matthew Sheppard was tortured and murdered my mother said "Oh thats a shame", it burned my ass to hear her say that.
I guess what I am trying to say is we will never stop terrorism, hate, or intolerance so long as we keep hearing the complete opposite from those that we look up to for guidance.
I'm not perfect and I do stumble, but after much thinking I believe tolerance begins with me... don't you wish everyone believed the same?
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