Are Politicians in the same universe as the rest of us?

WOW! I am totally dismayed at Washington. The GOP are acting like spoiled kids... they are a spiteful bunch this time around and we thought that Kay Bailey Hutchins was a vile bitch! Threatening to do a filibuster just so they can extend the tax breaks to the rich. They act like those of us that voted do not count... the Senators are running amok with their own personal agenda. like its this whole Alpha male pissin contest. (and with KBH thinking she has the biggest dick)
They are trying to undo everything that Obama has accomplished so far. The GOP have no sense of fairness and are TOTALLY out of touch with the people that voted them in... Oh yea they step-n-fetch for those with all the $$, that's the American way. We talk about the little guy but in the end we follow the money. The GOP are courting the Tea-Baggers since they have the loudest voice at the moment, They want to go back to the basics, read: the ways of the Bible. That is problematic for the Jews and Muslims and those of us who think the bible is a nice story. Not everyone appreciates that position, I for one would like the whole GLBT argument to be a moot point. I want to be able to bring my husband to social work functions, I want to have his photo displayed prominently on my desk without fear of loosing my job.

My message to those conservatives who are totally bothered by gay, lesbians, transgendered, and those who live outside the conservative's rigid box... GET OVER YOURSELF and worry about yourself... taking issue with me and the way I live MY life will not get you your E Ticket to heaven... you need to re-group and re-think your own life. Judging ME is not your responsibility and it says so in your little story book... My contempt for you will not stop until you do... So do the right thing and repeal the DADT, sign MARRIAGE EQUALITY for all into law.  
