The problem are the extremists...

according to USA Today NEW YORK (AP) — Some 300 people gathered in Times Square on Sunday to speak out against a planned congressional hearing on Muslim terrorism, criticizing it as xenophobic and saying that singling out Muslims, rather than extremists, is unfair.

Ok... I have always known that the problem has been the extremists and fundamentalists, so as a non-believer its easy for me to tell the preacher that he needs to keep his dog on a leash. So here lies the real problem...

An extremists commits an act of terrorism, the general public (gp) gasps and says all those worshipers are guilty. We then in a mob mentality brow-beat them. Right or wrong this is fact... well except in the US when a couple of kids murder another kid in a field, leaving him strung up on a barbwire fence like some sort of sacrifice. How about when an insane preacher can protest a US serviceman's funeral "Thank God for Dead Soldiers". F#CK... WHO has this guys leash????
As a non-believer it is NOT my job to control this. As a non-believer I have to ask, are these mild mannered clerics thankful that someone is out there killing infidels, blowing up abortion clinics, killing young gay men, and agreeing with them that God does indeed hate fags? or are they simply saying, "well its not happening in my church, let someone else handle it and I will pray." 

The American people are funny... and not in a good way, frankly we are diseased and festering. We like to say that we have moral high ground, those that say it the loudest are the ones caught giving blow-jobs in public restrooms or fondling the altar boys. Grow up and get over yourself!

My message to the Muslims, get your dogs on a leash or put them down... These F#cks are doing and saying things in the name of YOUR god. That would piss me off to have someone putting words in my mouth or my god's mouth. Do this and show the world that you are not at fault, until then sorry, but you are as guilty as they are.
