Hmmm this is a sticky one. My mother called me the other day harping on and on about SM, you know Socialized Medicine. Being that I have traveled modestly in England and Germany I felt that I had a little better perspective on this dreaded subject. In our conversation I actually got curious about what it really was... you know really and truly... So I went to Wikipedia (TM) and searched it. Come to find out the term "Socialized" is an American term coined by Truman in 1947 when he attempted it then... in fact Healthcare reform has been tried 3 times prior to Obama's attempt, beginning with Theodore Roosevelt then with Franklin D. Roosevelt. Heres the kicker... we already have it by definition... The VA Medical system... medicare... medicaid...
Moral to the story: Educate yourself before flapping your gums! If you can't be educated... put on your waders and muscle in on the salmon run!
I believe it is the fear of the wealthy medical industry and the GOP that has squashed these initiatives. The Doctors are hesitant but unconvinced of the evils... the patients are like lemmings or cattle... they get all whooped up from all the conservative rhetoric. Sarah Palin, what a douche-bag... 'Death Panels' Whatever! Have her read about the United Kingdom's National Health Service they achieved first place for quality of care. In reality she just needs to put on her rubbah waders and go fishin... leave Politics to those with intelligence.
The American public has no voice here. We have 2 choices... the crappy coverage offered by our employers that changes according to their bottom line or self insure. From my standpoint I don't care about reform, only that I am able to get and keep affordable health coverage that I can use when I get sick. I want the health insurance industry to treat me like a customer to be courted and not a hemorrhoid to be lanced. Moral to the story: Educate yourself before flapping your gums! If you can't be educated... put on your waders and muscle in on the salmon run!
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