One commodity for another...

Petroleum in general and Oil in particular has been a drug to the addicted societies of the world. In recent years there has been a push to find alternative resources. Today they have it, the hybrid automobile. The infamous Prius, the Focus hybrid, Honda Insight, and soon the Chevy Volt and a muy-mega luxo-cruiser from Irvine California, Fisker Automotive called the Karma for $90,000. You say Yea Yea I know all this... but Did you know that while we try to ease Petroleum dependance we increase the demand of Rare-Earth compounds? Take a look at what Wikipedia says... it may surprise you. Here is a hint... we buy oil from Arabs... we buy Rare Earth Metals (for making hybrid cars) from China... out of the frying pan into the fire as my Gramma used to say. Kinda makes ya wanna go buy a bicycle!
