Our founding Preachers... er ahhh Fathers

I was browsing the web today as usual... after I again got that $1 coin hoax, you know the one, "US Mint omits 'In God We Trust'" blahblahblah. So many half baked fundies we have in the States. They say that we should keep the motto because "our country was founded on God." NO... actually it was founded by persecuted Puritans who pouted, got on a couple ships, went to 'the new world' and began doing to the natives what they themselves escaped from... Oh yea.. and they are still doing it! This whole separation of church-&-state is nauseating to me. With so many churches and gods out there how can one church influence the whole of a country? a politician in an ideal setting should be focused upon the needs and concerns of his constituents. Leave the religion in the church, let it guide him/her but not build an agenda to alienate segments of the population.

I speak from the perspective of a traumatized person growing up in the Church of Christ. (Fundies) you always get this... "Love the person, hate the sin." sounds like conditional love to me. So unaccepting in practice therefor unaccepting in their teaching. No wonder people in this country have all this self loathing and neuroses about them.
I used to think that if someone was right, then there had to be someone wrong... the classic Ying/Yang. Im a gay man and there isn't anything wrong with it or me. My mother and I would have some hum-dinger arguments after I realized that I wasn't wrong and she wasn't as right as she thought she was.  As I began to heal and shed some of the guilt and shame, of which there was much, I learned.
There is so much wrong with the world and much of it can be laid at the feet of organized religion. The Pope and the edicts on many subjects, and ignoring some (Pedophile priests). Southern Baptists, TWO WORDS... Anita Bryant! The Muslims and all their jihads, OMG! The American Evangelists, what a joke (albeit a bad one). Mormons... God where do I start?

Realistically none of these organizations speak "For the People". They are self serving and controlling to protect the status quo. In closing, You can be as religious as you want as long as you worry about your self and don't make rules for me based upon your twisted morals. Who the hell cares WHAT is etched on the side of an American coin?
