News... let's take a look at the headlines

Nothing really captures my ire today... fortunate huh? but here are a few nods.

White House lashes out at Fox News for 'lies'... Like this is news worthy! We all know that FOX has their own conservative agenda and a total disregard for unbiased reporting. What is news worthy is the Obama House is fighting back... Calling a spade a spade as it were.

Circus Tycoon in Space... sounds like an episode of the Muppet show! HOW is this forwarding the human presence in space? Where are the commercial developers making plans for mining and habitats?

Salt Lake abductee testifies in court. Oh man this one is just sick! This dude should NOT pass Go and NOT collect $200. Him and his wife should be summarily and unceremoniously shuffled to the nearest crematorium. Problem solved, money saved.

The sixth man to orbit the Earth, Pavel Romanovich Popovich died Wednesday, five days before his 79th birthday. This is truly sad... our history is passing on like the WWII heros. Are these Men and Woman happy with the legacy they leave behind? For the early Astronauts and Cosmonauts, are they a bit let down that we haven't really proceeded beyond their own achievements?

And for the Dum-Dum award! Robert J. Halderman stand up and have another whiff of Stupid Gas! Thank you for your hand in telling the world that David Letterman had sex! EEWWWW... I will have to claw out my eyes now!
