This is SO SqueemishSouthernBaptistAmerica! And SO hypocritical. Michael Jackson grabbing his crotch how many times in public? Cher wearing next to nothing on the deck of a US Navy war ship. Yes Adam is flamboyant but much prettier than Liberace.
The Jackson's (Michael, LaToya, Janet, et al), Cher, Madona to top the list have all shocked their fans constantly pushing the envelope...
So why is everyone afraid of this pretty boy? Maybe because at a glance he looks somewhat innocent... maybe he threatens those straight men who also think he is pretty.
I will be honest and take the chance that you wont revoke my pink card, but I never watched him on Idol. I did catch a few minutes of a performance, it was long enough for me to see that he has real talent. Reading his reaction to the censorship of his show he seems to have the sensibilities the professional artist as well.
The ugly truth of the matter is America does not know the meaning of fairness. Our society is sexist, racist, homophobic, and exclusionary. Years ago only men could vote, blacks were something less than human, today's fight is against the straight people to allow the homosexual into the marriage club.
The Jackson's (Michael, LaToya, Janet, et al), Cher, Madona to top the list have all shocked their fans constantly pushing the envelope...
So why is everyone afraid of this pretty boy? Maybe because at a glance he looks somewhat innocent... maybe he threatens those straight men who also think he is pretty.
I will be honest and take the chance that you wont revoke my pink card, but I never watched him on Idol. I did catch a few minutes of a performance, it was long enough for me to see that he has real talent. Reading his reaction to the censorship of his show he seems to have the sensibilities the professional artist as well.
The ugly truth of the matter is America does not know the meaning of fairness. Our society is sexist, racist, homophobic, and exclusionary. Years ago only men could vote, blacks were something less than human, today's fight is against the straight people to allow the homosexual into the marriage club.
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