New Year!

Ok welcome to 2011 (one more year until the end! LOL)
let me start with one comment... Media blows shit way out of proportion. Why is it that the media grabs ONE headline, rant about it for a week and stir up anger with the average public who only heard every-other-word? Blah blah blah Raise Taxes. blah blah, Illegal immigration, blah blah, Increase of troops in Afganistan. Today in the news, blah blah blah.
Case in point, the mess aboard the US Aircraft Carrier Enterprise. Capt. Owen Honors is simply guilty of "Conduct unbecoming of a United States (Navy) Officer." Should he loose his command or just be reprimanded and forced into "sensitivity training" until his eyes pop out? I vote for the latter.

Ok here is one for the uneducated knee-jerk Americans that think they can run this country. Democrats are for government, and Republicans are for free trade. That being said, there isn't an accountant or economist in the entire bunch. I heard this allot over the holidays CUT TAXES!!! Why? then you cant afford to pay the garbage man... you will end up toting your trash to the dump and charged by the man who runs the landfill... or worse... end up with unregulated dumping which caused ecological damage and poisoning the ground water. Many small and large cities are feeling the pains of reduced tax rolls, imagine this at a federal level.
NO the answer is to cut SPENDING. Clinton had a surplus when he was president, he's a genius and a Democrat... then the Republicans (Bush Sr, and then later Bush the shire fool) come in and spends, Spends, SPENDS... oh yea and cut taxes... Ergo... no bean counters!  Lets not forget Reagan who set us up for failure in the 80's. so much for "Free Market" huh?

Lets face it... We can barely run our own lives, and NONE of us know how to run the government. I'm smart to know that I wouldn't want the job even if I were remotely qualified...   

National Healthcare?? Good idea, bad idea. This needs a lot of re-work. Good idea to get everyone covered so I don't have to pay for some homeless crack-addicts detox. Bad idea that the government is forcing us to buy something. This approach continues to take responsibility from the individual.

My healthplan/retirement plans would look like this: I work for Company A. the day I am hired I present HR with 2 Identification cards...
*One is for my PERSONAL health plan that I purchased under the "Free Market" where I shop for the best plan that meets my needs. The Employer would take the providers name and my personal account number and make any fringe benefit contribution.
*The second card is for my PERSONAL 401k that I purchased under the "Free Market" where I shop for the best plan that meets my retirement and investment needs.
I quit Company A and go to work for Company B... the day I am hired I present HR with 2 Identification cards... and so on.

Imagine if business owners didn't have to search for new healthplans or have to manage investment brokers... they just made a payment of X% for your healthcare contribution and Y% for your 401K directly to those account numbers as your benefit package.
The Employer would take the health insurance and 401k Company's name and my personal account numbers and make any fringe benefit contributions.This puts the responsibility squarely upon the individual. The government could set acceptable minimum limits if they wanted like they do for Auto insurance. This would be a positive approach. It would be beneficial to business and allow them to streamline.

Who hasn't had to move to new doctors every year at "Open Enrollment" Time?  How about had the hassle of rolling one 401k into another? I think it would force the insurance carriers into fair market practices, perhaps it would stabilize healthcare costs, it would also take the power away from the lobbyists or at least change it. The downside would be more dumb-ass insurance commercials. 

Kinda makes ya wanna say Hmmmm...


  1. Hmmm, I liked your idea when u talked about it in person with me and still do:)

    You know who,


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