Crap why does the Fed allow a loophole like this? they say IF schools have one extra curricular club meeting on school grounds they MUST allow all.
IF.. is the largest word in the English language. This particular issue seems to be cropping up all over since the republicans gained a larger toe-hold. but to be fair... Reps or Dems it doesn't matter. It is the behavior of the Republican right wing fanatical hypocrites who resemble white supremacists and act like pedophile catholic priests or TeaBaggers (Tea Party) The tea baggers sounded good in the beginning... with their focus on economic issues then they split and hit hard with their hate. Montana wants to criminalize homosexuality. In light of all this hate I am forced to conclude that we have not gained anything really... we see victory close at hand only to have the republican gain fresh reinforcements and surge on to take away what we have gained.
IF.. is the largest word in the English language. This particular issue seems to be cropping up all over since the republicans gained a larger toe-hold. but to be fair... Reps or Dems it doesn't matter. It is the behavior of the Republican right wing fanatical hypocrites who resemble white supremacists and act like pedophile catholic priests or TeaBaggers (Tea Party) The tea baggers sounded good in the beginning... with their focus on economic issues then they split and hit hard with their hate. Montana wants to criminalize homosexuality. In light of all this hate I am forced to conclude that we have not gained anything really... we see victory close at hand only to have the republican gain fresh reinforcements and surge on to take away what we have gained.
We have to find the loophole in their plans and use it against them. There always is something that we can do. :)