an excerpt from Book 6 chapter 8 of my attempt at fan fiction. An away team investigates an old crash site.
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Aaron hesitated, “Ensign Styles may I ask you a personal question?”
“Of course, call me Remy.”
“Alright… Remy. Tell me of your relationship with Lieutenant Commander Goddard and Lieutenant Schmidt? Among my people normal procreation happens with three of my kind, two have a part that combines in the third to produce an offspring. We do not maintain relationships like you, we are all purpose oriented forwarding the goals of the group. The knowledge I have of your species indicates only 2 is required for procreation, in my observation of your relationship it seems unnecessary.”
“A bit confusing I know but you’re right we only need a male and female to conceive. Our relationship goes beyond creating a child it is firmly in the realm of emotion. As with Captain Marcus’ relationship with Captain Kiel and Captain Purser theirs is totally emotional. I don’t know why it works for some and not for others, but I cannot imagine being without either Kevin or Katrina I love them both equally.”
“Yes I can clearly see that. It is this conundrum that I wish to solve.”
“I see, we will help where we can.” he laughed. “If you’re serious about finding a solution to it, you may be with us a while because we can’t even explain it ourselves.”
Aaron shrugged his shoulders in a very human gesture, “You may be right since the subject seems to be riddled with inconsistencies and contradictions.” They continued on their way thru the corridor, tricorders leading the way.
The pair manipulated the emergency mechanical door release and gained access to the engineering section. “Aaron, will you always keep your human form?”
“While I am with the Tigress I will, barring unforeseen circumstances, why?”
“Someday I would like to see you in your true form. Your species is fascinating and quite elegant.” Remy paused, “I have seen the vids of others of your kind, nothing like witnessing it firsthand.”
Aaron smiled, “Well Remy, if I revert you will be the first one I will call.”
Remy laughed heartily, “Now you’re just playing with me!”
“Playing with you?” Aaron was puzzled.
“Never mind. Hey I have something. Look the warp core is still active.”
“It is indeed,” he tapped his com-badge. “Aaron to Captain Marcus.”
“Marcus Go!”
“Sir, the warp core is still active. It appears to be idle. I don’t understand why we didn’t read the power signature from the shuttle.”
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