NASA... what have you done for us lately?

Have you heard of NASA's GRAIL moon mission? It is, from my understanding a mission to determine the composition of the moon right through to the core... Haven't  we already figure that out with the 850 or so pounds of moon rocks and regolith that the astronauts have brought back?

This is NASA's whole problem... They are doing valid science but with no practical application... Back in the day with military research we ended up with GPS, Velcro, 'C' and 'K' rations and the newer MRE (New long term ways to preserve food), the microwave oven, and many other applications including miniaturization derived from the ongoing efforts of Military R&D. So I ask again... NASA, What have you done for us lately? Tang and freeze-dried ice cream will only carry you so far, we want more for the billions you continue to spend. What new scientific breakthrough has that effort come up with? A new way to bake the killer biscuit? a new wonder drug that will eliminate wrinkles and age spots? No... The ISS is a money pit with no return on investment.

I would personally vote for the Lunar based space telescope that was mentioned a few years back, any flavor will do really (Optical, Gamma, IR), on the far side or at one of the poles... hell at least we would have new pretty pictures like from the Hubble. We should have a habitat on the moon by now, maybe not maned, maybe more like a summer cabin...
