Dog problems...

I posted this on facebook:
"My female Heeler is a nuisance barker... One neighbor has no tolerance and the other complains behind my back... neither have any suggestions... any suggestions anyone? I see that I have few choices. 

1) have her vocal cords cut. Pretty much makes her a useless watch dog and I would miss her vocal personality. 

2) get rid of her. She is my problem and I dont feel right pawning her off on someone else. 

3) the final solution, put her down."
which promptly created a shit-storm!! 

Naming neither of the two neighbors in the post, they both outed themselves in open forum... (face palm). One has the nerve to claim to be offended. The other is mad because I posted it on Facebook.

Neither of these people have more than a passing acquaintance with me... one I used to call friend, now she is just the woman that lives next door.  What is even sadder, of all the people who posted on this thread who I communicate with frequently was my son. No one even texts saying "hi, I'm alive are you?" OOps sorry I lied, I did get a few texts, they usually said "when are you coming home? the dog is driving me crazy" ... it is truly sad. 

Say I'm having a bad day, maybe 2 people chime up... say that you may have to put a dog down for bad manners and EVERYONE has an opinion, none of which makes any sense how any of these suggestions will work when I'm not here to manage the bad behavior. 

I LOVE this suggestion:
"Exercise the dog more, she will be too tired to act up." This person has met the dog but obviously didn't get the full effect of the dog's tenacity and hard-headedness not to mention her level of energy. This suggestion is what I would call half-baked. Not even feasible, nor would it have any level of success.   I get up M-F 05:45 and am at the bus stop at 06:45... I get home at 6pm. gotta have dinner at a reasonable time, then it gets dark. Ok so when am I supposed to exercise this dog so she will be tired during the day when I'm away again? 
So I thought a reasonable expert would be the vet, I called and they suggested choice #1. I can't accept that, so I just ordered another bark collar from Petsmart for almost $90, this thing is supposed to shock and vibrate. Hell it will need to have "one point twenty-one jigawatts" to get her attention! 
Seriously, I hope this the last thing I have to do... Neither of the 3 choices above are acceptable to me. 

Listen, I'm not the best at managing friendships in fact I suck at it, so this isn't about that... It's about me reaching out to a body of "friends" with a real issue that I don't know how to deal with. Instead I get all these people with judgments and unreasonable suggestions that I can not manage by myself. I do not own a car so transporting this dog is a problem. 

I have nobody to rely upon, and after this post I still don't. Quite frankly I don't like relying upon others for a couple of reasons, but the most important reason of all is... that they always let you down. 
