Tis the time of year...

Giving is very important to many, me included... but the bell ringers bother the hell out of me. I support NO religious or affiliated groups, the Salvation Army is one of them. I do not buy things from church fund raiser tables (in front of walmart) I never let the kids wash my truck, and I will never drop one tarnished copper penny in the lil red pot (read this). Why would I support someone who wont support me? Its like handing a loaded pistol to your executioner and saying "Please sir, may I have some more?".

My charity of choice is for the ones who need it and not what I can get in return. I have been an Airman overseas alone, its tough and nobody was shooting at me back then! Soldiers... men and women so far away from loved ones is tough anytime, this time of year is much harder. Soldiers Angels "May no soldier go unloved"
